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Your Life, Christ's Way

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Your LIFE, Christ'S way

A Place For You To Belong.

We are blown away by God's love for us in Christ Jesus, who died on the cross to save us. As a body of believers, his amazing grace strengthens us to bring the good news of the Gospel to people who need Jesus! As one of the churches in Huntsville, AL, we unite around the calling to be Christ’s hands and feet. We are excited to meet you. We are praying that God will bring his best into your life for you and your family.

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Pastor's Blog

Martin Lloyd Jones, in his book, "Studies in the Sermon on the Mount" said, "Prayer is beyond any question the highest activity of the human soul. Man is at his greatest and highest when upon his knees he comes face to face with God." This is our subject for the next several weeks because prayer is one of the disciplines a Christian cannot do without. It is the very breath of the Christian's spirit. Prayer is our very conversation with God. Jesus said in Luke 11:2, "When you pray, say..." Prayer is simply talking to God as one would a friend. Prayer is also communication with God. We listen to God's speech to us by reading the Bible. The Bible is everything that God wants to say to us and the Holy Spirit will take that Word and use it to speak to our mind and our heart by applying it to our lives. In Isaiah 28:23 God tells us through the prophet, “Give ear and hear my voice, Listen and hear my speech.” Finally, prayer is communion with God as we meditate and reflect on what God has said to us through the Bible. We ponder God's Word and allow it to move our heart. These next few weeks we will be studying prayer, so come out, be with us and learn more about your spiritual life in prayer and what God wants to do in you by the practice of prayer.

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